What a fantastic first week back we have had after the long summer break! It has been lovely to see the children come in so happily and confidently each morning this week. The children have excitedly told us about their summer adventures and those that have photo books have enjoyed sharing them with the staff and the other children. There has been lots of fantastic play observed this week. Inside, the children have shown that their love of dressing up still continues. They have been enjoying wearing the new glasses, particularly when doing their ‘jobs’. As always there has been a lot of large-scale building particularly outside where the children have worked well together to build boats so they can row to Pirate Island. The mud kitchen and sand areas have been popular as they have been much cooler areas of the garden during the heat this week. There have been some creative meal choices being made and fed to the staff! This week Miss Jo donated us some Sylvanian families and their accessories which have been very much enjoyed. The children have tested out what the different ‘buildings’ do and have dressed and undressed the little characters. This week also saw the return of Moo Music with Jenna. She revisited some of the usual songs with the children which they all joined in brilliantly with. It was also Maggie Moo’s birthday so there was great excitement to sing Happy birthday and make a cake for Maggie.