Friday News 29th September 2023

This week at preschool the children have really impressed us with their apple knowledge and have shown some fantastic mathematical skills. Firstly, Miss Jo recapped the different parts of an apple with the children and they did brilliantly at remembering some of the parts from last year. Throughout the week they have continued to talk… Continue reading Friday News 29th September 2023

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Friday News 22nd September 2023

Another wonderful week at preschool despite the rain, although this has led to lots of cosy time listening to stories! This week has been all about building and writing at preschool. The children have used a variety of building materials to construct their ideas. We have seen playdough being used to hold together rolling pins… Continue reading Friday News 22nd September 2023

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Friday News 15th September 2023

It’s been another exciting week at preschool this week, with the introduction of Show and Tell before lunch. It has been lovely to see what the children have been bringing in with them and even lovelier to watch them stand up and share their treasured possessions with their peers. They have all been super brave… Continue reading Friday News 15th September 2023

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Friday News 8th September 2023

What a fantastic first week back we have had after the long summer break! It has been lovely to see the children come in so happily and confidently each morning this week. The children have excitedly told us about their summer adventures and those that have photo books have enjoyed sharing them with the staff… Continue reading Friday News 8th September 2023

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