Bourton and Zeals preschool cater for children aged 2 to 4 years and offer 2 and 3 year funded places. We run term time only from 8:45 to 3:15 Monday to Friday.
We are a home from home pre-school situated on the St Georges primary school site, we have our own separate purpose built building with outside play area in the village of Bourton.
We nurture the curiosity of each child so that they grow in knowledge and in confidence of their capabilities through child-led learning. All young children have a natural desire to learn, explore and question. Our practitioners offer core provisions and an environment that enables children to be curious so we capture the moment of engagement for each individual child. Our aim is to ensure your child has a fun filled, happy and creative time learning through play.
We are managed by a volunteer committee, the preschool is a registered charity, run on a non-profit basis.
The preschool is also a member of the Pre School Learning Alliance, this organisation ensures we are constantly in touch with current good practice in the fields of education and childcare.
We are registered and inspected by Ofsted. You can read our most recent report here.