This week the children have been talking about fire and fireworks at group times. Our caterpillar children have made some fantastic bonfire and fireworks pictures whilst discussing fireworks night. Our butterflies have also made some fire pictures but they had an all-important discussion with Miss Jo about what they would do if they saw a fire at their house or at preschool. They then re capped their learning with Miss Joellen on Thursday. They had retained the knowledge really well, explaining that they would need to tell an adult and then call 999 or 111. We talked about how it was important that the children didn’t touch the fire and what to do if their clothes accidentally caught fire. The children were very keen to practice their Stop, Drop and Roll techniques. There have been a few activities in the room set up to spark the children’s curiosity, the creative area has been extremely busy this week with the drying rack being completely full of amazing fire, fireworks and remembrance paintings. Even during the heavy rain on Tuesday, the children were very keen to get outside, they put their waterproofs and wellies on and had fantastic fun running from under the shelter, out into the rain and back again. In the afternoon they stayed inside and used the parachute to play some games instead. At the school hall this week the children continued to practise their balancing skills but they also needed to climb the step first and then move under the table before going back to the beginning. A popular, well requested game at the hall is duck, duck goose, the children take it in turns to call duck, duck goose and have a lot of fun running to the empty space if they are chosen. Just a reminder that autumn term reports will be sent out on Tuesday 15th with face-to-face meetings taking place during week commencing 21st November. If you would like a face-to-face meeting with your child’s key person, please let us know, alternatively we can also arrange a telephone call if you are unable to make the face-to-face meeting.