There has been so much crafting taking place at preschool this week. Not only have we started our Christmas crafts (which you will receive soon!) the love of junk modelling has continued. The children have used their amazing imaginations alongside lots of masking tape to create some fantastic models. Some of our children have used the blocks and loose parts to build some brilliant structures, either working alone or as part of a team, communicating what resources they need next. There has been some lovely role play happening, a particular interest has been shown in playing doctors. There have been a lot of babies born at preschool with some interesting deliveries taking place!! The staff have been very impressed with how well the children have learnt the Christmas songs so far, they are also doing amazingly with their Makaton signing whilst singing. They are looking forward to everyone coming to watch them soon. Last night the ‘Elf’ snuck into preschool and decorated for us. The trees and decorations are up and the elf also delivered us some chocolates for our advent calendar. Each child will receive an advent chocolate over the next couple of weeks, they will bring it home to enjoy!