Friday News 13th January 2023

The weather has definitely been on our side for ‘rain’ week, yesterday the children showed particular enjoyment for puddle jumping and rainbow spotting out on the school field. Despite wearing waterproofs and wellies nearly all the children required a change of clothes, once that was done the hot chocolate and snack was very welcome!

Miss Jo drew us some fantastic pictures so that we could learn what happens when it rains. The children have been absolutely fantastic at retaining this knowledge, going home to re tell their parents and chatting about it during play. Miss Joellen was particularly proud of the butterflies on Thursday as they confidently re told her about the rain and clouds using Miss Jo’s drawings as props.

On Wednesday we had our first Moo Music session with Jenna. The children moved in a variety of ways, using different props to songs relating to vehicles. The children seemed to particularly enjoy using the ribbon streamers and becoming astronauts who flew through space, popping bubbles!! The parachute created a lot of laughter, we sat down and held tightly and lifted the parachute up and down, spotting our friends on the other side of the circle. The bright disco light that shone on the ceiling and changed with the beat of the music was also fantastic.