It has been another busy week at preschool. On Monday afternoon we had a walk up to the village church as one of the children requested a visit. The children behaved beautifully: sitting still on the pews and carefully looking through the bible. They were very interested in the stained-glass windows, looking at the different colours and pictures in each one. One of the children went home and told her family “The church was magical!” This week we have been learning about mud and worms, we have read Superworm a few times and the children have become very good at joining in with the repeated refrains. Our butterflies made a wormery with Miss Jo at group time, layering sand mud and compost before adding carrot peelings and leaves for the worms that they named! Our caterpillars went on a bug hunt and were very excited to tell us all about the spiders and worms that they found, they even put some worms in a bucket to show us! This week we have had some spaghetti worms, mud, leaves and pretend grass to explore. Some of the children noticed that the ‘worms’ were different lengths which gave way to some mathematical conversation. There has been some fantastic counting happening too. The children are really benefiting from their time over at school, becoming more comfortable and confident each week. On Monday Miss Sharon and Miss Hayley took the caterpillars to the hall where they used their bodies to move in a variety of ways across the hall. The butterfly children have been perfecting their balancing skills whilst walking across the beams with a bean bag on their heads! Amazing concentration from everyone. Our new water tray arrived today and the children were excited to be able to use it, they had a variety of tools in the water tray to catch the marbles with. Last October we ran a very successful decorate your own pumpkin competition, this will be returning again this year and we would love to see your children’s entries. We return from half term on Monday 31st October, if you could bring your pumpkins in that week and they will be judged on Friday 4th November! Good luck everyone!!